Acknowledgements and Thank you
First of all, I would like to acknowledge and thank the administration of CT-PIM, especially Dr. Admilton Pinheiro Salazar, CEO and Wesley Alves Pereira, Executive Director. Their encouragement and support for this EFL learner’s website were fundamental. Cenival Dias, one of the head engineers, helped to coordinate the project, and thus played an important role, which is greatly appreciated. Thanks to Manoel do Carmo Junior, who transformed my ideas into a website (English Room). Lian Weiland of WorkTankSolutions has redesigned the website, which is now registered as ESLStation. She was a fortuitous find, a very competent professional. It is a pleasure to work with her.
I suppose I could stop here, but I would like to take this opportunity to extend thanks and appreciation to those who have made a difference in my career. Perhaps this is a little unusual on a website (I don’t remember ever having seen anyone do this), but whatever small measure of success I obtain in any aspect of my work is due to the fact that over the years others have encouraged me and given me the support I needed.
My career would have taken a very different turn if it hadn’t been for Dr. J. Donald Bowen, who as my professor of ESL at UCLA suggested that I apply for a USIS English Teaching Fellowship. Professor Ruy Alencar, the founder and director of the Brazilian-American Cultural Institute (ICBEU) in Manaus brought me to Manaus, through USIS, as an English Teaching Fellow. Professor Ruy was an extraordinary man, a short man who stood taller than the rest, an inspiration to all who had the pleasure of knowing him, and a major influence on my life (as well as on the lives of so many others). And of course, I cannot fail to mention the warm and friendly work environment and wonderful group of teachers at the ICBEU during the time I was a teacher there. My EFL teaching career began at the ICBEU and it couldn’t have been at a better place.
During the many years that I taught English as a foreign language at the Federal University of Amazonas, I had support and encouragement from every single administration. Also, I owe a thanks to my own department (foreign languages and literatures). The greatest part of my professional life was spent there, and I had the good fortune of having a wonderful group of colleagues to work with.
I also had terrific support outside of the University. I would like to acknowledge the support and encouragement received from Mike Potter and Tony Deyes while they were directors of the British Council in Brazil. Important support also came from “Instituto Evaldo Lodi” (IEL), specifically from Moysés Israel, and Wilson Colares, respectively Executive Director and Superintendent. IEL made it possible for me to attend and present papers at several conferences. Furthermore, it sponsored my book Point and Touch, which itself served as the basis for a series used to teach English in the public schools.
Dr. James J. Asher, the originator of the TPR approach to language instruction, was one of the first to believe in me and encourage me when I was just beginning my career. Had I not met him certainly my professional life would have taken a very different road.
And of course, most importantly, there is my family. My children, Paula, Sergio and David, are truly an inspiration and have always given me the support I needed.
Finally, my greatest debt and thanks go to my wife, Neusa Maria, the light of my life, my “Abelha Rainha”, who sadly is not here to witness the launching of this website; but I know that she is looking down and smiling fondly from her place in heaven.